How Tera Johnson Got From "No Way" To "Yes, Whey" In Near-Record Time - Good Food on Every Table
About a decade ago, Tera Johnson raised millions of dollars to build a state of the art "green" factory to produce organic whey powder, and even though it opened in 2009 at the depths of the Great Recession, that market for her Tera's Whey turned out to be huge. By early 2013, less than four years after opening, Johnson sold Tera's Whey to Omega Protein for more than $26 million. This kind of meteoric entrepreneur experience may be the exception, but it happens... which is why the owners of eight early-stage food businesses hung on every word on April 23 when Johnson delivered an engaging talk at the graduation ceremony for the latest cohort in FamilyFarmed's Good Food Accelerator program.