by Bob Benenson, FamilyFarmed
Building the consumer market for Good Food by helping food and farm entrepreneurs start up and scale up is a core principle of FamilyFarmed. It is also the reason why FamilyFarmed in 2014 launched its Good Food Business Accelerator.
So it is no surprise that the competitively selected Fellows who participate in the Good Food Business Accelerator have a high profile at the Financing & Innovation Conference that makes up the first day each year at FamilyFarmed’s Good Food Festival & Conference.
That was certainly the case Thursday. As the photos below underscore, Fellows certainly had great opportunities to pitch their business plans to an audience that included many Good Food investors, and to represent their companies at the Financing Fair that was part of the afternoon program.
To learn more about the Fellows and their business, click here.
The Good Food Festival & Conference continues Friday with the Good Food Trade Show & Industry Conference (click here for details) and Saturday with the Good Food Festival, our big publication celebration of a better food system (click here and here and here for details).
For more information about the Good Food Festival & Conference, click here, and to purchase tickets, click here.

Rachel Bernier-Green of ‘Laine’s Bake Shop

Ryan Jones of Gotta B Crepes

Susan Fink of Karma Kombucha with John Wellehan, managing director of FamilyFarmed’s Good Food Business Accelerator

Josh Katt of Kitchfix

Deirdre Birmingham and John Biondi of The Cider Farm

Liz and Tony Fiorenza of Wind Ridge Herb Farm
Photographs by Bob Benenson/FamilyFarmed