Paul Fehribach Good Food Chef Award, Pilot Light Demo at Good Food Festival

by Bob Benenson, FamilyFarmed

The strong interest of many chefs in sourcing local and sustainably produced ingredients has played a big role in the rapid growth of the Good Food movement. So it is only natural that culinary stars would also play a big role at FamilyFarmed‘s Good Food Festival, the big public celebration of the movement that on Saturday capped the three-day Good Food Festival & Conference.

Below are photos of Paul Fehribach of Chicago’s Big Jones restaurant conducting a cooking demo and receiving FamilyFarmed’s Good Food Chef of the Year award, and chefs Matthias Merges and Jason Hammel doing a demo of the Pilot Light program that incorporates food education into Chicago Public Schools curriculum.

Good Food on Every Table previously ran stories about Fehribach (click here) and Pilot Light (click here).

Paul Fehribach, FamilyFarmed's Good Food Chef of the Year

Paul Fehribach of Chicago’s Big Jones restaurant (left) received the Good Food Chef of the Year award from FamilyFarmed President Jim Slama at the Good Food Festival Saturday at UIC Forum on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.

Paul Fehribach, FamilyFarmed Good Food Chef of the Year

Paul Fehribach of Chicago’s Big Jones restaurant, who received FamilyFarmed’s Good Food Chef of the Year award, prepared his Old Virginia Fried Steak during a demo at the Good Food Festival Saturday at UIC Forum on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.

Paul Fehribach, Good Food Chef of the Yeat

Paul Fehribach of Chicago’s Big Jones restaurant (left) chats with FamilyFarmed President Jim Slama during a cooking demo at the Good Food Festival Saturday at UIC Forum on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus. Fehribach is FamilyFarmed’s Good Food Chef of the Year

Pilot Light demo at the Good Food Festival

Top chefs Matthias Merges (left) and Jason Hammel conducted a demo of the innovative Pilot Light program — which they co-founded — that works with Chicago Public Schools to incorporate food education into students’ curriculum. The event took place at FamilyFarmed’s Good Food Festival.

Photographs by Bob Benenson

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