Mint Creek cattle

First Person: The Great Debate of Grass-Fed Versus Grain-Fed Beef

When Harry Carr and his family started Mint Creek Farm in the 1990s, few American consumers had even heard of grass-fed beef, no less bought it for their dinner tables. That has changed dramatically, yet here is still plenty of consumer confusion about the advantages of grass-fed, and plenty of pushback from conventional producers who argue there are no real benefits to choosing grass-fed beef over grain-fed.

Kerri McClimen

Activists Ramp Up Efforts to Get Congress to Act on Overuse of Antibiotics on Livestock

Concerns about the routine use of antibiotics in livestock production is rising among consumers, prompting an increase in both market demand and supply of meat labeled as “antibiotic-free.” And efforts to get the attention of policy makers to this issue are increasing.

McDonald's restaurant on Clark Street in Chicago, across the street from Wrigley Field

McDonald’s Can Make History — and Rescue its Brand — With Sustainable Food

McDonald’s Golden Arches are tarnished these days. To restore the shine, it’s time for the fast-food behemoth to chart a new course: one that acknowledges the growing consumer demand for Good Food, grown as close to home as possible, by sustainable, humane, and fair producers.

Article: Holland Sharply Reducing Antibiotics in Meat

An article published on the Next City website reports that the Netherlands is acting assertively to reduce the routine use of antibiotics on livestock “without any negative effects on production rates or profits.” Read a summary (with a link to the full story), and share your thoughts on the issue in the Comments. Good Food on Every Table is your Good Food site… join the conversation.